Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Political philosophy Essay Example for Free

Political philosophy Essay Locke was born in the village of Wrington, Somerset, on August 29, 1632. He was educated at the University of Oxford and lectured on Greek, rhetoric, and moral philosophy at Oxford from 1661 to 1664. In 1667 Locke began his association with the English statesman Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st earl of Shaftesbury, to whom Locke was friend, adviser, and physician. Shaftesbury secured for Locke a series of minor government appointments. In 1669, in one of his official capacities, In 1675, after the liberal Shaftesbury lost is power, Locke went to France. In 1679 he returned to England, but in view of his opposition to the Roman Catholicism favored by the English monarchy at that time, he soon found it expedient to return to France. From 1683 to 1688 he lived in Holland, and following the so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the restoration of Protestantism to favor, Locke returned once more to England. The new king, William III, appointed Locke to the Board of Trade in 1696, a position from which he resigned because of ill health in 1700. He died in Oates on October 28, 1704. Empiricism Lockes empiricism emphasizes the importance of the experience of the senses in pursuit of knowledge rather than speculation or reasoning. The empiricist doctrine was first developed by the English philosopher sir Francis Bacon early in the 17th century, but Locke organized his ideas in an article in 1690 called Essay Concerning Human Understanding. He regarded the mind of a person at birth as a tabula rasa, a blank slate upon which experience brings knowledge, and did not believe in intuition or theories of instinct. Locke also held that all persons are born good, independent, and equal. Political Theories In his work Two Treatises of Government, written in 1690, John Locke attacked the theory of divine right of kings and the nature of the state. He also believed in religious freedom and in the separation of church and state. In Two Treatises of Government he argued that the power did and should not exist within the state but within the people. He continued to say that the state is supreme, but only if it is bound by what he called natural law. NATURAL LAW: Locke was not the first theorist to come up with natural law, in fact the idea was originated by ancient Greeks. Similar to Greeks, Locke argued that humans (in the state of nature) are free and equal. He stated that when humans enter society they surrender only the rights that are necessary for their security and for the common good. He believed that each individual has fundamental rights drawn from what is called the natural law. Many of Lockes political ideas, such as natural rights, property rights, the duty of the government to protect those rights, and the rule of the majority, were later incorporated in the U. S. Constitution. Also, his natural-rights theory provided a philosophical basis for both the American and French revolutions. Locke further preached that revolution was not only a right but often an obligation. Locke also advocated a system of checks and balances in government. This idea meant to comprise three branches, of which the legislative is more powerful than the executive or the judicial. Lockes influence in modern philosophy has been profound and, with his application of empirical analysis to ethics, politics, and religion, he remains one of the most important and controversial philosophers of all time. Among his other works are Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693) and The Reasonableness of Christianity (1695).

Monday, January 20, 2020

Web Resources for Grief :: essays research papers

Websites on Issues Relating To Death & Dying   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The web can be as useful or meaningless as you want it to be. I have found it to be a wealth of resources when it comes to needing information on anything. I guess part of that depends on whether or not a person can decipher between sites that are credible, and sites that are not. I have compiled ten sites that I have either known about through my personal experience as an active member in the death care industry, or through using simple search engine words to obtain sites that would pique my interest. In each web site description, I will mention what words I used in the search engine, if needed. I really didn’t know what to use for search words other than the very common words death, dying, and bereavement. I finally got to where I would go to websites that I didn’t particularly care for, but had found links to the ones I did like and find interesting and useful. I finally got a little bit more creative while browsing through the sites, giving me different ideas on different key words to use to give me variety in my search. I used AOL (who has keywords) and Google. http://www.funeralnet.com/ This is a web site I have known about through general knowledge because of my experience in funeral service. It is very informative and educative in the fields of death. It was last updated in 2002.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.adec.org/  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ADEC, The association for Death Education and Counseling is a site that has information for the consumer to information to the professional. They offer the Certificate in Thanatology, for grief counselors. I found this site as a link at funeralnet.com, under Grief Resources link.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.ksfda.org  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Kansas Funeral Directors and Embalmer’s Association is a website familiar to me. It has several general information areas for the professional as well as the general public.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.accesskansas.org/ksbma   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Kansas State Board of Mortuary Arts. Another website I know very well. This site has all the state laws that govern funeral directors, embalmers, care and disposal of the deceased, and any other K.S.A. that might be applicable to this subject. There is also licensing information on every individual and every funeral home in the state. There is also a section for the general public, a Q and A of sorts as well. http://www.soros.org/death/ This is the Project on Death in America website.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Comparative Analysis of Lacatan Banana

Background of the Study We chose this study because we realized how much trees are chopped down to make paper and we realized that we should save more trees.To save more trees, we can use fruit peelings Like the peelings of Lactate and Saba to make handmade paper and If we use fruit peelings we do not Just save trees but we also help reduce wastes. Statement of the Problem This study will compare Lactate Banana (MUSM communicate) and Saba (MUSM geminate x MUSM balancing) as a Component of Handmade Paper. 1. Which is much banana is much better to use as a component of handmade paper? 2.Will this study help and benefit the community? Objectives This study mainly aims to use food wastes, specifically kinds of banana peelings as a component of handmade paper and to save more trees and to help reduce Hypothesis If this study proves that Lactate or Saba banana peelings can be components of handmade paper then they can be alternative for paper. Significance of the Study To make paper, we ch op down trees and we use harmful chemicals.Now this study can produce paper without using harmful chemicals which will be a big help to Mother Nature because we reduce wastes and lessen the trees being chopped down. Definition of Terms Lactate banana (MUSM communicate) : most popular dessert banana In the Philippines; has a higher vitamin content, compared to the Aleutian (white with thinner skin) and Saba varieties (used for abundance).

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Robot Ethics and Ethical Issues - 5299 Words

ROBOT ETHICS AND ETHICAL ISSUES ABSTRACT Robot ethics is a branch of applied ethics which endeavours to isolate and analyse ethical issues arising in connection with present and prospective uses of robots. These issues span human autonomy protection and promotion, moral responsibility and liability, privacy, fair access to technological resources, social and cultural discrimination, in addition to the ethical dimensions of personhood. INTRODUCTION Robots are machines endowed with sensing, information processing, and motor abilities. Information processing in robotic systems takes notably the form of perception, reasoning, planning, and learning, in addition to feedback signal processing and control. The coordinated exercise of these†¦show more content†¦In its most basic sense, we define â€Å"robot† as an engineered machine that senses, thinks, and acts: â€Å"Thus a robot must have sensors, processing ability that emulates some aspects of cognition, and actuators. Sensors are needed to obtain information from the environment. Reactive behaviours (like the stretch reflex in humans) do not require any deep cognitive ability, but on-board intelligence is necessary if the robot is to perform significant tasks autonomously, and actuation is needed to enable the robot to exert forces upon the environment. Generally, these forces will result in motion of the entire robot or one of its elements (such as an arm, a le g, or a wheel)†. WHERE ARE THE ROBOTS USED? Labour and services: Nearly half of the world’s 7-million-plus service robots are Roomba vacuum cleaners, but others exist that mow lawns, wash floors, iron clothes, move objects from room to room, and other chores around the home. Robots have been employed in manufacturing for decades, particularly in auto factories, but they are also used in warehouses, movie sets, electronics manufacturing, food production, printing, fabrication, and many other industries. Military and security: Grabbing headlines are war robots with fierce names such as Predator, Reaper, Big Dog, Crusher, Harpy, BEAR, Global Hawk, Dragon Runner, and more. They perform a range of duties, such as spying or surveillanceShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Deontological Ethics In The Movie Robot820 Words   |  4 Pagesphilosophy and ethics, â€Å"argued that morality must ultimately be grounded in the concept of duty, or obligations that humans have to one another, and never in the consequences of human actions† (Tavani, 47). This argument from Kant serves as the foundation for deontological ethics, which believes that morality comes in the form of duties; that humans have the moral duty to do right things and the moral duty to not do bad things. 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