Saturday, January 4, 2020

Robot Ethics and Ethical Issues - 5299 Words

ROBOT ETHICS AND ETHICAL ISSUES ABSTRACT Robot ethics is a branch of applied ethics which endeavours to isolate and analyse ethical issues arising in connection with present and prospective uses of robots. These issues span human autonomy protection and promotion, moral responsibility and liability, privacy, fair access to technological resources, social and cultural discrimination, in addition to the ethical dimensions of personhood. INTRODUCTION Robots are machines endowed with sensing, information processing, and motor abilities. Information processing in robotic systems takes notably the form of perception, reasoning, planning, and learning, in addition to feedback signal processing and control. The coordinated exercise of these†¦show more content†¦In its most basic sense, we define â€Å"robot† as an engineered machine that senses, thinks, and acts: â€Å"Thus a robot must have sensors, processing ability that emulates some aspects of cognition, and actuators. Sensors are needed to obtain information from the environment. Reactive behaviours (like the stretch reflex in humans) do not require any deep cognitive ability, but on-board intelligence is necessary if the robot is to perform significant tasks autonomously, and actuation is needed to enable the robot to exert forces upon the environment. Generally, these forces will result in motion of the entire robot or one of its elements (such as an arm, a le g, or a wheel)†. WHERE ARE THE ROBOTS USED? Labour and services: Nearly half of the world’s 7-million-plus service robots are Roomba vacuum cleaners, but others exist that mow lawns, wash floors, iron clothes, move objects from room to room, and other chores around the home. Robots have been employed in manufacturing for decades, particularly in auto factories, but they are also used in warehouses, movie sets, electronics manufacturing, food production, printing, fabrication, and many other industries. Military and security: Grabbing headlines are war robots with fierce names such as Predator, Reaper, Big Dog, Crusher, Harpy, BEAR, Global Hawk, Dragon Runner, and more. They perform a range of duties, such as spying or surveillanceShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Deontological Ethics In The Movie Robot820 Words   |  4 Pagesphilosophy and ethics, â€Å"argued that morality must ultimately be grounded in the concept of duty, or obligations that humans have to one another, and never in the consequences of human actions† (Tavani, 47). This argument from Kant serves as the foundation for deontological ethics, which believes that morality comes in the form of duties; that humans have the moral duty to do right things and the moral duty to not do bad things. 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